Terms and Conditions

Generel information
Grøn Sky ApS
CVR: 40557989
Egedal 3
2690 Karlslunde, Denmark
Tlf: +45 207 207 09
Website: copencloud.com
E-mail: [email protected]

The following trading and subscription conditions apply to trading on the CopenCloud platform, managed by Grøn Sky ApS.

If you are a business client, please read the section ‘Especially for business clients’, which can be found at the end of these terms.

We only accept payment by card. Withdrawal is effected immediately after the purchase as you receive the access. In the case of a subscription, the amount is then deducted from your account on the same date every following month.

We only accept payment via the following cards and do not charge a payment fee:

Visa   Mastercard   AmericanExpress   UnionPay

Delivery of monthly subscription
The product is an online service of data storage and data transfer. Immediately after the purchase you will be able to access the service. Please note that your 14-day right of
revocation lapses as soon as you complete the purchase, and thereafter the paid amount will not be refundable.
You will receive an order confirmation immediately after purchase.

Cancelling subscription
You can cancel your subscription until the end of your current monthly subscription period.
You terminate the subscription by selecting “Cancel Account” found under your user profile on the platform.

Upon termination, your stored data will be automatically deleted within 30 days after the subscription period has ended. You have access to your stored data until
the subscription agreement expires.

Special conditions
When purchasing additional services for the subscription, both the agreement and invoiced prices are adjusted to reflect the added services and you are sent a new order confirmation that reflects the changes.

If you default on your payment, a payment reminder will be sent. If you continue to default, your account will be closed and the stored data will be deleted.

Price adjustment:
We reserve the right to annually adjust the price of the subscription in accordance with the consumer price index, without prior notice.

The parties are not liable for indirect losses, operating losses or lost profits. Loss of data are considered indirect losses, except in cases where this is caused by the sellers handling of data or breach of this agreement, e.g. insufficiently sound backup routines. We are only liable within the limits of Danish law.

Right of revocation
As a consumer, you have a 14-day right of revocation, but only until you start using the service. When you enter into a subscription agreement with us, you accept that the right of revocation lapses when you complete payment, as the product is immediately available, cf. the Danish Consumer Contracts Act, section 18, subsection. 2, No. 2.

If there is something wrong with the service
If you are not satisfied with our service, you can contact us using the contact form on the website. Select "Support" and describe the problem. Alternatively you can contact us via e-mail at: [email protected]

Digital services
When you do business with us as a consumer, the Purchase Act rules regarding digital services apply. This means that you can complain in regards to concrete defects within 2 months after the expiration of the (agreed upon) delivery period.
If no delivery period has been agreed upon, the right of complaint lasts two years. You can contact us via the contact form on the website and select “Support” and describe the nature of your complaint. Alternatively you can contact us via e-mail at: [email protected]

Drawing payment from your credit card
You can revoke your permission for us to deduct an amount from your card at any time.
You can also object to "unauthorized charges" to your card provider, but no later than 8 weeks after the charge, unless otherwise stated in your agreement with the card provider.

Right of appeal
If you, as a consumer, want to complain about your purchase, you must fill out the contact form on the website and select “Support” and describe the nature of your complaint.
Alternatively you can contact us via e-mail at: [email protected]

If we cannot agree on a solution, you can send a complaint to:

Center for Klageløsning
Nævnenes Hus
Toldboden 2
8800 Viborg

To be able to complain, the product or service you want to complain about must have cost at least DKK 1,110 and a maximum of DKK 100,000.

If you reside in an EU country other than Denmark, you can complain to the EU Commission's online complaints portal here - http://ec.europa.eu/odr

Personal data policy
We need the following information when you shop with us:
Name, address, country and email address.

We register and pass on the personal information that is necessary to be able to deliver the product to you.

The personal information is registered with Grøn Sky ApS and stored for five years, after which the information is deleted.

We also collaborate with a number of other companies that store and process data.
Companies process information solely on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes.

We only work with data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with adequate protection.

The data controller for copencloud.com is CEO, Pierre Bennorth, Grøn Sky ApS.
You have the right to be informed about what information we process about you.

If you believe that the information is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected. In some cases, we have a duty to delete your personal data if you request it. E.g. if your data is no longer necessary for the purpose we were using it for. You can also contact us, if you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of the law. You can write to us via the contact form on the website. Select "Support" and explain your objection.


Especially for business clients

Seller reserves the right to change prices and taxes. Until delivery, the Customer is thus obliged to accept changes in the price based on documented increased costs for the Seller as a result of changes in, for example, supplier prices, exchange rates, duties, taxes and fees that have an impact on the fulfillment of the Agreement.

Right of revocation
There is no right of revocation for business clients.

When the Customer receives the Services, the Customer must immediately examine that the delivered service performs as proper business use requires.
If the Customer wishes to claim a defect, the Customer must, immediately after the defect is or should have been discovered, give the Seller written notice thereof and state what the defect consists of. If the Customer has discovered or should have discovered the defect, and the Customer does not complain as stated, the Customer can not later claim the defect.
At the Seller's choice, deficiencies in the Service sold will be remedied. Only if remediation does not take place within a reasonable time, the Customer is, under the general rules of Danish law and these conditions, entitled to terminate the Agreement, demand a reduction in the purchase price or demand compensation.
If the Customer has not officially claimed the defect within 6 months after the delivery date, the Customer can not claim it later.
Modification of or interference with the service provided without the Seller's written consent releases the Seller from any obligation.

Limitation of liability
A claim for damages against the Seller may not exceed the invoiced amount for the services sold and is otherwise limited to damages which at the conclusion of the
Agreement can typically be foreseen and where the Seller has acted with gross negligence.
Seller is not liable for operating losses, profit losses or other indirect losses in connection with the Agreement, including indirect losses that arise as a result of delays or deficiencies in the Services sold.
If an extraordinary situation arises beyond Seller's control, or where the obligation has become unusually burdensome for Seller to fulfill due to unforeseen or external events - and which must be regarded as force majeure or hardship - Seller's obligations will be suspended. The time frame for the suspension will be as long as the emergency situation lasts. Examples covered by force majeure and hardship are natural disasters, fire, war, requisitioning, seizure, currency restrictions, riots, unrest, pandemics, lack of means of transport, restrictions on power, injunctions, disease outbreaks, health crises, epidemics or pandemics; where Seller cannot be held liable.
The Seller's must, without undue delay, notify the Customer in writing if circumstances as mentioned above occur.

Any disagreement between the Seller and the Customer must be settled in accordance
with Danish law and must initially be brought before the Danish Maritime and Commercial
High Court, or alternatively the district court in Copenhagen.


The Terms and Conditions were last updated 2023.02.05